Thanks to everyone who attended our workshop with

2004 World Champion Randy Harvey last month!

After a 3 week break, we're back and better than ever!

Let's face the winter head on with our theme:

What is your favorite comfort food for winter?

Come one, come all!

And an early ho ho ho to you!


    TIME: 19:00-21:10 Dec 14th, 2010 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)            
    VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital          
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee!!)            
      台北市中山北路馬偕醫院舊大樓9樓 (雙連站ShuangLian)            
    TME: Pettitte Chu            
Agenda of Meeting No.366          
Time Program December 14, 2010 Mentor          
18:50 Registration              
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Assam Chen, ACB, CL            
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Raymond Tsai, CC            
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Pettitte Chu, CC            
  Timer Coral Lee            
  Ah Counter Ruru Lin            
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Lisa Lu            
19:20 Joke Session Peter Chen            
19:30 Prepared  Speech Session              
(4-6') C2 FangFei Lin            
(5-7') C4: Peter Chen            
(5-7') C8:  Tammie Yang            
20:05 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥          
20:15 Table Topics Session Samuel Chuang            
20:25 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Assam Chen, ACB, CL            
  *Timer Report              
(2-3') C2: Organize Your Speech Marian Hsiao, DTM            
(2-3') C4: How to Say It Justin Liu, CC            
(2-3') C8: Get Comfortable with Visual Aids Edward Chen, DTM            
(5-6') General Evaluator Assam Chen, ACB, CL            
(6-8') Language Evaluator Wini Kao, ACS, CL            
  *Ah Counter Report              
  Quiz Time              
20:55 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Raymond Tsai, CC President          
21:05 Officer Report              
21:10 Meeting Adjournment              
  President: Raymond Tsai, CC 0953-035-475 Chater President:  Richie Chan, CTM          
  IPP:         Honorary PR:  Gordon Brooks 0927-324-078          
  VPE:  Pettitte Chu, CC   0952-438-225 Secretary:  Peter Chen 0932-249-683          
  VPM:  Sandy Cheng   0933-058-343 Treasurer:  Wini Kao, ACS, CL 0966-506-004          
  VPPR:  Lawrence Huang, CC 0911-605-108 SAA:  Assam Chen, ACB, CL 0910-136-003          

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Based on your professional background and your educational affiliation with your undergraduate alma mater, we would like to extend you an invitation to join the Worldwide Alumni Network. The Worldwide Alumni Network is made up of professional graduates from all major educational institutions. As the world's premier alumni association, our aim is to help recognize notable alumni, facilitate networking and connections, as well as to create opportunities among members.

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please do not reply to this email. 

if you want to contact us,  please click here 

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This is Elizabeth from Bulker Mania. All these years, I have seen thousands of companies growing using the most powerful marketing tool "Email Marketing"!

We at Bulker Mania can help your business reach the next level, we have helped hundred's of businesses go viral and also increase their client base within 30 days.

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please do not reply directly, For more information please click here 

If you don't want to receive emails any more, please Unsubscribe

Yours Truly





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please do not reply to this email. 

if you want to contact us,  please click here 

If you don't want to receive emails any more, please Unsubscribe


This is Elizabeth from Bulker Mania. All these years, I have seen thousands of companies growing using the most powerful marketing tool "Email Marketing"!

We at Bulker Mania can help your business reach the next level, we have helped hundred's of businesses go viral and also increase their client base within 30 days.

What we Provide:

We can send unlimited email campaigns for you all over the world
We can send out newsletter's on your behalf to promote your business.
We can send out Millions of emails for you.
We have High Quality data! We use our updated database to promote your business.

Advertise your business using the most powerful tool's in the market and see the difference it makes"

What we require:

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Your Email Message or the Newsletter

Sit back, relax and watch the clients coming in and your business grow!!!

Basic Pricing:

2 Million bulk emails only for $399
10 Million bulk emails only for $999

please do not reply directly, For more information please click here 

If you don't want to receive emails any more, please Unsubscribe

Yours Truly





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Today we have able to remit the total amount of US$ 51,704.97 to your account. Details of our payments are as follows:

Cont. #41 SPV001/April/15 US$34,299.13 - 11,748.82 (50% disc. For R008 & R016) =
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Total Remittance: US$ 51,704.97

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Thank you very much.

Best regards,

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Aufmerksamkeit, Benötigen Sie Darlehen? Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen unten bei Interesse: Vollständiger Name --- Telefonnummer --- Darlehensbetrag --- Dauer der Ausleihe ---- Grüße, Harry Franz

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acredita-se estar livre de perigo.

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You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


My name is Kevin from ConvertLead, We specialize in providing lead generation and email marketing services to a number of businesses all over the world! Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies of all time and has helped many businesses globally achieve their goals, double their profits and increase their client base??
We have generated over 6000 leads for SEO and Web Designing and have worked on a number of projects and campaigns including debt settlement, product broadcasting, Payday leads, investment leads and much more, all our packages are tailor made and designed according to your requirements. Increase your client base and market your product to millions or let us generate the leads for you! 
We would love to be your lead generation partners, would you be interested in email marketing or lead generation services for your product? Generating leads would always help your business reach the next level! If you would require more information please send us an email at  and we would be glad to discuss the project requirements with you! Looking forward to your positive response..

Kind Regards
Kevin Warren
Lead Specialist
ConvertLead Solutions
Atlanta, GA

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent 2015 Worldwide Branding Registry of Distinguished Professionals and Executives.
We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved January 2nd. Congratulations. The Publishing Committee selects potential candidates based not only upon their current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals.
Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication. There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.
Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishments within their own geographical area.
To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year's candidates is January 31st. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee, I salute your achievement and look forward to welcoming you to our association.

Benjamin Morisson 
Editor in Chief 
Worldwide Selection Committee 2015 

ToastmastersDivH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

please do not reply directly.  
if you want to contact us,  please click here . 
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 Afghanistan 	6375	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Albania 	7500	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Algeria 	4596	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 American Samoa 	13562	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Angola 	2973	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Anguilla 	6279	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Antarctica 	4780	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Antigua and Barbuda 	9828	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Argentina 	249050	Email Addresses		$240 USD
 Armenia 	16475	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Aruba 	5670	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Australia 	1087139	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Austria 	386081	Email Addresses		$300 USD
 Azerbaijan 	10150	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bahamas 	2936	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bahrain 	8394	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bangladesh 	8510	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Barbados 	7046	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Belarus	43089	Email Addresses		$80 USD
 Belgium 	358868	Email Addresses		$300 USD
 Belize 	6714	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Benin 	5752	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bermuda 	12783	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bhutan 	2746	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bolivia 	11936	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bosnia Hercegovina 	17313	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Botswana	5199	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bouvet Island 	1602	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Brazil 	907746	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 British Indian Ocean Territory	6181	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Brunei Darussalam 	6656	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Bulgaria 	82757	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Burkina Faso 	7070	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Burundi 	5277	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Cambodia 	5121	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Cameroon 	6552	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Canada 	1288691	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Cape Verde 	5172	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Cayman Islands	4903	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Central African Republic 	1777	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Chad 	2296	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Chile 	89935	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 China 	604476	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Christmas Island	16877	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Cocos Islands 	60047	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Colombia 	189533	Email Addresses		$190 USD
 Comoros 	2089	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Congo 	1932	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Cook Islands 	3017	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Costa Rica 	24999	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Croatia 	94579	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Cuba 	24966	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Cyprus 	14790	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Czech Republic 	1236800	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Denmark 	506201	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Djibouti 	2876	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Dominica 	2321	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Dominican Republic 	9760	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 East Timor 	2157	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Ecuador 	13354	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Egypt 	10332	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Estonia 	278385	Email Addresses		$250 USD
 Ethiopia 	4871	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Falkland Islands 	2419	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Faroe Islands 	7238	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Fiji 	5200	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Finland 	359458	Email Addresses		$300 USD
 France 	1393935	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 French Guiana 	2107	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 French Polynesia 	4338	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 French Southern Territories 	3356	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Gambia 	2197	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Georgia 	9823	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Germany 	3678748	Email Addresses		$500 USD
 Ghana 	4454	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Gibraltar 	4090	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Gobon	2407	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Great Britain (UK) 	2107	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Greece	351383	Email Addresses		$250 USD
 Greenland 	5472	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Grenada 	2453	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Guadeloupe	1936	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Guam 	2374	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Guatemala 	8837	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Guinea-Bissau 	1783	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Guyana 	2270	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Guynea 	2077	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Haiti 	2048	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Heard & McDonald Is. 	2260	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Honduras 	5963	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Hong Kong 	123036	Email Addresses		$120 USD
 Hungary 	422919	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Iceland 	105789	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 India 	228290	Email Addresses		$200 USD
 Indonesia 	96457	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Iran 	27909	Email Addresses		$70 USD
 Iraq 	3098	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Ireland 	140368	Email Addresses		$140 USD
 Israel 	208940	Email Addresses		$200 USD
 Italy 	1207026	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Ivory Coast	3107	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Jamaica 	5010	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Japan 	1170301	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Jordan 	11619	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Kazakhstan 	21515	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Kenya 	10186	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Kiribati 	1828	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Korea-North 	1546	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Korea-South 	261872	Email Addresses		$250 USD
 Kuwait 	5322	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Kyrgyzstan 	5424	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Lao People's Republic 	4784	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Latvia 	100794	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Lebanon 	10719	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Lesotho 	1981	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Liberia 	2156	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Libya 	3908	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Liechtenstein 	14910	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Lithuania 	121903	Email Addresses		$120 USD
 Luxembourg 	21676	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Macau 	7888	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Madagascar 	4276	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Malawi 	2482	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Malaysia 	111748	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Maldives 	3669	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Mali 	11069	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Malta 	8252	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Marshall Islands 	1657	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Martinique 	2834	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Mauritania 	1531	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Mexico 	175569	Email Addresses		$170 USD
 Micronesia 	33586	Email Addresses		$70 USD
 Moldova 	12899	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Monaco 	3298	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Mongolia 	3717	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Montserrat	3889	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Morocco 	11568	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Mozambique 	4226	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Myanmar	2540	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Namibia 	8514	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Nauru 	2393	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Nepal 	10602	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Netherlands 	932295	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Netherlands Antilles 	5654	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 New Caledonia	3611	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 New Zealand	398340	Email Addresses		$300 USD
 Nicaragua 	9246	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Niger 	12728	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Nigeria 	4795	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Niue	51504	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Norfolk Island	1467	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Northern Mariana Islands	5304	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Norway 	488707	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Oman 	9867	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Pakistan 	25110	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Palau 	2644	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Panama 	6259	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Papua New Guinea 	5742	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Paraguay 	8874	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Peru 	32618	Email Addresses		$70 USD
 Philippines 	48247	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Pitcairn Island	2305	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Poland 	796495	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Portugal 	164443	Email Addresses		$160 USD
 Puerto Rico 	3314	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Reunion Island	1957	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Romania 	166967	Email Addresses		$160 USD
 Russian Federation 	2006321	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Rwanda 	3081	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Samoa 	31032	Email Addresses		$70 USD
 San Marino 	4075	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Sao Tome & Principe 	16700	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Saudi Arabia 	20510	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Senegal 	5923	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Seychelles 	3197	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Sierra Leone 	1951	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Singapore 	106219	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Slovakia 	244011	Email Addresses		$240 USD
 Slovenia 	69673	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Solomon Islands 	2713	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Somalia 	2161	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 South Africa 	360808	Email Addresses		$250 USD
 Spain 	430095	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Sri Lanka 	11786	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 St. Helena 	2862	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 St. Kitts & Nevis	2253	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 St. Lucia	3783	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 St. Pierre & Mequielon	2356	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 St. Vincent & the Grenadines	2462	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Sudan 	1711	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Suriname 	2256	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Svalbard & Jan Mayen	1214	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Swaziland 	2342	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Sweden 	655349	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Switzerland 	641143	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Syrian Arab Republic 	3860	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Taiwan 	314926	Email Addresses		$200 USD
 Tajikistan 	2310	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Tanzania 	5281	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Thailand 	69677	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Togo 	2349	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 tokelau	18777	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Tonga 	23066	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Trinidad & Tobago 	5081	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Tunisia 	8019	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Turkey 	119322	Email Addresses		$120 USD
 Turkmenistan 	3050	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Turks & Caicos Islands 	5714	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Tuvalu 	63582	Email Addresses		$100 USD
 Uganda 	7591	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Ukrainian SSR 	130582	Email Addresses		$130 USD
 United Arab Emirates 	43359	Email Addresses		$80 USD
 United Kingdom 	2421695	Email Addresses		$500 USD
 United States 	888530	Email Addresses		$400 USD
 Uruguay 	24693	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 USSR 	25756	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Vanuatu 	3407	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Vatican City State 	2877	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Venezuela 	20654	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Vietnam 	36765	Email Addresses		$70 USD
 Virgin Islands 	4764	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Wallis & Fortuna Is. 	2788	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Western Sahara 	1758	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Yemen 	3436	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Yugoslavia 	45710	Email Addresses		$90 USD
 Zaire 	2123	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Zambia 	6059	Email Addresses		$50 USD
 Zimbabwe 	8493	Email Addresses		$50 USD

other Country or Area  , please contact us , please   click here . 

we can also send out millions of emails on behalf of you .  

Send Your Advertisement email  to Millions of people,
to send out 1   million bulk emails only for $399
to send out 5   million bulk emails only for $999

pls do not reply to this email, 
if you want to contact us,  please click here . 



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Chinese text

Dear SIR,

If you are looking to buy property in Singapore, this could be one of your best consideration. Singapore government is transforming this place into the next biggest Commercial Hub.

Imagine if the KL-Singapore (High chance the main station will be in this place) high speed rail is up by 2020. This will become the Central BusinessDistrict between Singapore/Malaysia. Manyforeigners are aware and coming in to buy this property.

full lake view condominium

We respect your privacy. If you do not wish to receive any more emails from us,
please reply "Unsub" and we will remove your email address from our database.

Thank You.

Mr Deryk Ng S.k. (?????)

HP +65 94882262

cea R007094J

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Lic R3008899k


Any person receiving this email and any attachment(s) contained, shall treat the information as confidential and not misuse, copy, disclose, distribute or retain the information in any way that amounts to a breach of confidentiality. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies of this email from your computer system. The information provided above is for general reference and/ or marketing purposes only, and does not constitute our intention to enter into any Contract of any kind. Kindly indicate your clear intention to make an offer. This information may be subject to change periodically without notice. We reserve the right to amend any information, including prices and such from time to time. Please check with us for the updated and latest information. If you believe you are not the intended recipient, or if you have received this email erroneously, or if you wish to be deleted from our list, please indicate your intention by replying to this email with the word 'Unsubscribe'. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused, if any.

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Work. The salary from 15 000$ per month. See details on the website: BinBot.COM

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We provide E-mail addresses databases ( or called  E-mail lists , E-mail leads ,Bulk E-mail lists )  for advertisement mailing purpose ( for your Email compaign ),
We sell Email databases , and also provide bullet proof mailing server and bullet proof hosting ( used for email broadcasting campaign ) 

Our Products:

Worldwide Email Lists ..
Country or area total emails and price

America     175 Million Email Address    $320 US
Europe      156 Million Email Address    $350 US
Asia        168 Million Email Address    $250 US
China(PRC)  80 Million Email Address     $300 US
HongKong    3.25 Million Email Address   $300 US
TaiWan      2.25 Million Email Address   $300 US
Japan       27 Million Email Address     $300 US
Australia   6 Million Email Address      $250 US
Canda       10 Million Email Address     $250 US
Russia      38 Million Email Address     $220 US
England     3.2 Million Email Address    $300 US
German      20 Million Email Address     $300 US
France      38 Million Email Address     $250 US
India       12 Million Email Address     $220 US
CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICAN AREA         40 Million Email Address $280 US
MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA                  45 million Email Address $280 US
SOUTH EAST AREA                       32 million Email Address $280 US

other Country or Area  , please contact us , please  send Email To:  ( please replace # with @ when sending email )


Category Name total emails total price

Apparel, Fashion, Textiles and Leather     4,654,565 $250 $180 US
Automobile & Transportation                6,547,845
Business Services                          6,366,344
Chemicals                                  3,445,565
Computer & Telecommunications              654,655
Construction & Real Estate                 3,443,544
Consumer Electronics                       1,333,443
Energy, Minerals & Metals                  6,765,683
Environment                                656,533                        
All Email Total: 150 U.S
Food & Agriculture                         1,235,354
Gems & Jewellery                           565,438
Health & Beauty                            804,654
Home Supplies                              323,232
Industrial Supplies                        415,668
Office Supplies                            1,559,892
Packaging & Paper                          5,675,648
Printing & Publishing                      6,563,445
Security & Protection                      5,653,494
Sports & Entertainment                     3,488,455
Toys, Gifts and Handicrafts                2,135,654

In total,  136 nations , 40 trades email lists total price   $900 US

Send Your Advertisement to Millions of people,
1   million bulk email only for $200
5   million bulk email only for $500

Imagine emailing 500,000 recipients and 1 out of every 1000 orders your
product, that's 500 new orders!
* We go all-out to make sure our customers are completely satisfied
* If any emails fail to make delivery, we replace them free of charge
* 100% Spam free, rest assured you will not be accused of spamming
* Almost all of our emails are sent to valid email addresses
* No software required, we do all the mailing from our own server
* Don't be fooled in signing up with similar sites offering services
that cannot compare to ours
* Get the most bang for your buck with bulk email advantage!

 if you are interested in our services, please contact us , please send Email To: ( please replace # with @ when sending email )

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